You know something I'm finding out? When you carry the label "BPD" or "BiPolar" or "Depressed" or WHATEVER it may be, it's really easy to be too hard on ourselves for having a bad day!! Here's what I mean.
Yesterday, I was really moody. Cried at the drop of a hat, found myself in emotional turmoil about the goals in life I thought I would have achieved by now and haven't. And what's funny is I kept apologizing to my husband Ryan because I felt like once again he was left to deal with the aftermath of BPD-related craziness. But you know what, EVERYBODY has days when they're emotional...whether they have BPD or NOT! We with mental disorders or personality disorders tend to beat ourselves up for having normal, average-joe bad days, just out of the pre-conditioned mindset that it must be related to our illness. Here's today's message;
Go easy on yourself! Let yourself have a bad day FOR NO REASON. Don't make BPD or any other condition the scapegoat for any and everything. You know what? My bad day yesterday I'm pretty sure was strictly PMS related! Shocker. EVERY WOMAN HAS PMS. For once, I feel entitled to some grace for being normal! Have some chocolate cake and just be okay with not being okay. Not as a general rule, but there are times when that's just what the doctor ordered!